KAPA PMS application can be set to Import and Export its Data and Documents automatically without user attendance.
This procedure will import all received data and document files and produce export data and document files to be sent to the vessels (or office) and will allow
to schedule KAPA to perform the Import-Export process at specific time intervals, saving time and avoiding delays of the process.
This process is actually a Windows Task that is set to trigger KAPA Import-Export process. Settings can be altered to match your needs.
File transfer of these files from and to the vessels is not performed by KAPA, but as the files to be imported and files that are exported are placed in specific folders,
mail applications or other file transfer software may easily be setup to transfer the files from and to the vessels automatically by you. ( see Section 3)
The automatic Import - Export process can be setup the following Operating Systems:
- Windows XP
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 10
1) KAPA automatic Import/Export Setup-Configuration
1 - a ) Setting KAPA automatic Import-Export for Windows XP / Server 2003
1 - b ) Configuring Run - Arguments Parameters for Windows XP / Server 2003
1 - c ) Setting KAPA automatic Import-Export for Windows Vista / 7 /8 / 10
1 - d ) Configuring Run - Arguments Parameters for Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
2) Process Logs for KAPA automatic Import/Export
2 -a ) Process Logs for Windows XP / Server 2003
2 -b ) Process Logs for Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
3) Input - Output of KAPA Data & Document Files (For assistance in setting 3rd party software to automatically transfer files from and to the vessels )
3 - a ) Office Data Import
3 - b ) Office Data Export
3 - c ) Office Documents auto Import/Export
3 - d ) Vessel Data Import
3 - e ) Vessel Data Export
3 - f ) Vessel Documents auto Import/Export
1) KAPA automatic Import/Export Setup-Configuration
1 - a ) Setting KAPA Auto Import-Export for Windows XP / Server 2003 :
Download from the attached files on the bottom of this page and copy the "KapaMPIAutoIEXP.job" file to "C:\Windows\Tasks"
Double Click on the file to open and edit it to suit your needs.
1 -b ) Configuring Run - Arguments Parameters for Windows XP / Server 2003
- In the Run field, you must enter some values (Bold Letters Below) into the command in order to match your setup :
"c:\program files\helintec\kapampi\kapampi.exe" /AutoIE:<SERVER NAME>\Kapa32Server <Database Name> sa kapa32 True False "
Where <SERVER NAME> = KAPA Server Computer Name
and <Database Name> = KAPA Database Name
example: "c:\program files\helintec\kapampi\kapampi.exe" /AutoIE:Winxpsp2\Kapa32Server DemoDB_999 sa kapa32 True False
At the end of the command, Parameters True and False declare whether Import -Export process will be activated for KAPA Data and KAPA Documents
In the Schedule Tab, you can edit when ( how often) the process will run and the time when it will begin.
When ready, close the Task window and the Auto Import- Export task will run automatically ath the time intervals you have adjusted it to.
1 - c ) Setting KAPA automatic Import-Export for Windows Vista / 7 /8 /10:
Download from the attached files on the bottom of this page and copy the "KapaMPIAutoIEWinVista-7-8-10.xml" file to the KAPA Server.
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler ( Click to open)
Once the Task Scheduler has opened, go to the Menu -> Action => Import Task...
- Browse, locate and import the "KapaMPIAutoIEWinVista-7-8-10.xml" file you saved earlier and click " Open"
Then click "OK" and the task will be imported
By default, option "Run only when user is logged on" is selected.
It is recommended that you select the "Run whether user is logged on or not" option so that the task will run even when the KAPA server is in logged off state.
Go to the "Triggers" tab and click "Edit"
Do not alter the "One Time" Option. Set the Start date/time to the date/time you wish the process to start and also the "Repeat Task Every" option which you can edit/write manually to suit your preferences.
For example, you can set it to 8 Hours, 1 Day, 7 Days, etc
Also, do not alter the "Duration = Indefinitely" option.
Then click " OK"
Then go to the "Actions" tab and click on "Edit"
Here you will need to edit the "Arguments" command to match your setup :
1- d ) Configuring Run - Arguments Parameters
- In the Add arguments (optional) field (see screenshot above), you must enter some values (Bold Letters Below) into the command in order to match your setup :
"c:\program files\helintec\kapampi\kapampi.exe" /AutoIE:<SERVER NAME>\Kapa32Server <Database Name> sa kapa32 True False "
Where <SERVER NAME> = KAPA Server Computer Name
and <Database Name> = KAPA Database Name
example: "c:\program files\helintec\kapampi\kapampi.exe" /AutoIE:Winxpsp2\Kapa32Server DemoDB_999 sa kapa32 True False
At the end of the command, Parameters True and False declare whether Import -Export process will be activated for KAPA Data and KAPA Documents, respectively.
For example, if you wish to activate automatic Kapa Documents Import-Export procedure, you must alter the False entry to True
Then click " OK" and close the Task Scheduler
The Automatic KAPA Import Export Process will now run at the time intervals you have selected.
2 ) Process Logs for KAPA Automatic Import - Export Process:
- Log entries will be appended in your 'Application' Log on source 'VBRuntime'.
- These log entries will be also created in a log file located in the folder where KapaMPI.exe file resides (named KapaMPIAutoIE_<DBName>.Log).
- KapaMPI application will also create a file named (named KapaMPIAutoIE_<DBName>.lck) to deny the activation of a second instance of KapaMPI with AutoIE command line switches.
2 - a ) Application Logs for Windows XP / Server 2003
To see these entries, go to : Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer - Applications
NOTE : In these versions of Windows, The Application Event log is set by default to have size of 512 KB and overwrite entries older than 7 days.
In is recommended that you increase the Log file size to 1MB and set it "Overwrite entries as needed" in order to prevent issues caused by log file being full.
2 - b ) Application Logs for Windows Vista / 7 /8 / Server 2008 /10:
To see these entries, go to : Start => Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Event Viewer => Windows Logs => Application
3 ) Input and Output of Data and Document files :
Note : For more detailed instructions on KAPA Import -Export, please see attached "KapaMPI - Import-Export from Operation Manual.pdf "
If you wish to setup an automatic file transfer for the Data and Document files you will need your mail or other file transfer software to be set to transfer files from and to the following folders:
3 - a ) Office Data Import :
When receiving Data (KEF) files , these files must be transfered (uncompressed) to the MailIn folder of KAPA. Import-KEF files from all vessels will be placed inside the same folder.
From there, the apllication will import them automatically when the process is run.
Path for 32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailIN
Path for 64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailIN
3 -b ) Office Data Export:
When the Auto I-E process runs, for each vessel that has new data since the last export, the process will produce an Export KEF file and will place it inside the vessel specific folder in the KAPA MailOut folder.
At the office installation, each vessel has its own data export folder, so the apllication you will use to trasnfer the files to the vessels must search each of these folders and transfer all files with extension ".KEF " to the
corresponding vessel.
Path for 32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailOut\"Vessel Name Folder"
Path for 64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailOut\"Vessel Name Folder"
The MailOut folder of your office will be as the example below :
Your will need to configure your software to do the following for each vessel:
Note: Folder "Exported" contains a copy of each export-KEF file produced by KAPA for all vessels as a backup ( historic data)
No file transfers should be set up for this folder.
3 - c ) KAPA Documents Auto Import-Export
First you will need to activate the automatic Import-Export for KAPA Documents.
To activate it, open Kapa Admin application from : Start => Programs => KapaMPIApplication => KapaMPI Admin
Once open, go to menu "Settings => Export Documents"
In the Documents Export configuration window, you need to click the checkbox next to "Enable Automatic Export of Documents" option and click "OK" to close the window.
Now that Documents Export has been activated from KAPA Admin module, all you need to do is edit the Windows Task command to enable the Documents Export ( Last parameter set to : True ) - see section 1-b for Windows XP/Server 2003 or section 1-d for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10.
Office Documents Import:
In order to perform automatic Import for KAPA documents, the .ZIP files from all vessels that are to be imported , should always be placed in : KapaMPI_Documents folder.
KAPA application will import them each time the Auto Import -Export process is run.
32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents
64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents
Office Documents Export:
Each time the automatic Import - Export process runs, the application will produce KAPA Document Export files for all "To be Exported" documents of each vessel.
These files will be placed by the application inside the KapaMPI_Documents folder within folders named after each vessel respectively.
32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents\"Vessel Name Folder"
64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents\"Vessel Name Folder"
Note : For more detailed instructions on KAPA Import -Export, please see attached "KapaMPI - Import-Export from Operation Manual.pdf "
3 - d ) Vessel Data Import :
When receiving Data ( KEF ) files , these files must be transfered ( uncompressed ) to the MailIn folder of KAPA.
From there, the apllication will import them automatically when the process is run.
Path for 32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailIN
Path for 64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailIN
3 - e ) Vessel Data Export:
When the Auto I-E process runs, the process will produce an Export KEF file and will place it inside the folder with the vessel's name which is under the KAPA MailOut folder.
You will need to configure your file transfer application to search for KAPA Export files ( .KEF) and transfer them to the office (Office KAPA MailIn Folder).
Path for 32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailOut\"Vessel Name Folder"
Path for 64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\MailOut\"Vessel Name Folder"
Note: Folder "Exported" contains a copy of each export-KEF file produced by KAPA for all vessels as a backup ( historic data)
No file transfers should be set up for this folder.
3 - f ) KAPA Documents Auto Import-Export
First you will need to activate the automatic Import-Export for KAPA Documents.
To activate it, open Kapa Admin application from : Start => Programs => KapaMPIApplication => KapaMPI Admin
Once open, go to menu "Settings => Export Documents"
In the Documents Export configuration window, you need to click the checkbox next to "Enable Automatic Export of Documents" option and click "OK" to close the window.
Now that Documents Export has been activated from KAPA Admin module, all you need to do is edit the Windows Task command to enable the Documents Export ( Last parameter set to : True ) - see section 1-b for Windows XP/Server 2003 or section 1-d for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10.
Vessel Documents Import:
In order to perform automatic Import for KAPA documents, the .ZIP files from all vessels that are to be imported , should always be placed in : KapaMPI_Documents folder
KAPA application will import them each time the Auto Import -Export process is run.
32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents
64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents
Vessel Documents Export:
Each time the automatic Import - Export process runs, the application will produce KAPA Document Export files for all "To be Exported" documents for the specific vessel.
These files will be placed by the application inside the KapaMPI_Documents folder within a folder named after the specific vessel.
32 Bit OS = C:\Program Files\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents\"Vessel Name Folder"
64 Bit OS = C:\Program Files(x86)\Helintec\KapaMPICommon\KapaMPI_Documents\"Vessel Name Folder"